General Security in your life and proper QA data testing
I've been thinking about writing this topic for a while and needed inspiration of sorts. I guess today would be it. I happen to watch the Netflix series "Ashely Madison: Sex, Lies, & Scandal" and figured this would definitely be a good point to get this blog written out. At this current moment, scammers and hackers are on a whole new level of game and is so prevalent that regular folks, or more like EVERYONE needs to almost be an amateur security analyst and know what steps you can take to ensure the safety of your data and minimize / eliminate your data exposure. So full disclosure: I am not compensated in any way, shape, or form , and these recommendations are my own based on my own usage experience and preferences which seems to be working quite well. Web browsers : Duck Duck Go , Vivaldi , and Brave . Credit Cards : any with the pause / freeze usage feature (Chase & Discover has them). Online email providers : Proton , Duck Duck Go email alias , a...